Phentermine for
weight loss
More than just an appetite suppressant, phentermine is a powerful weight loss medication that provides serious results for those who want to lose a significant amount of weight within the first few weeks of dieting.
Phentermine is a weight loss medication that has been approved for long-term weight loss and weight management. It is often used in combination with topiramate. Phentermine is recommended for long-term use to both lose weight, and to maintain loss. It is an incredibly safe, non-addictive medication that has been used for over 50 years. FDA approved for three months’ worth of use at a time, Phentermine has proven to have a very high success rate when used properly.
Hormone Therapy Treatment Process
First, you’ll meet with one of our providers to discuss your concerns during a one-on-one consultation. You’ll discuss your medical history and your wellness goals. You'll do an InBody scan and receive a comprehensive body composition analysis. You'll then meet with a Nurse Practitioner to determine what treatment is best for you.
First Appointment
When you get your hormone test results back, you will meet with your provider again to determine what specific hormones you need to live your best life. Your provider will also ask additional questions about your lifestyle to determine which method of hormone supplement may be right for you.
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If your experiencing testosterone imbalance Pura Vida Wellness can help
Rather than fatigue and listlessness, you’re likely to feel invigorated and witness your energy level increasing along with your endurance.
If you’ve felt the effects of lower testosterone in the bedroom, you may find that your libido returns with TRT.
If your efforts at the gym weren’t providing the expected results, TRT may help. Weight and resistance exercises produce better results when your testosterone levels are balanced. As a bonus, TRT helps boost your metabolism.
More muscle mass, increased energy levels, and a boost to your metabolism combine to make it easier to lose excess weight — especially around your waist.
Once you begin TRT and your hormone levels reach a more optimal balance, you may find that you can think more clearly. You may also enjoy a more stabilized mood and better sleep!
Five improvements you’re likely to see
Start your journey today
If you want to learn about phentermine and whether or not this treatment is right for you, schedule a free consultation with us today. You can request an appointment online, or you can call our office, and we’ll be glad to help.